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September 24th December 23rd December 25th/26th December 28th |
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
I've seen a lot of funny e-bay auctions, but I think this one may be the winner.
When I go to IKEA, the this is the last think I would expect to see there...Maybe its marketed towards girls going to college?
Oh sweet sweet irony!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Since I'm crawling on dial-up right now, I'm just going post what my cell phone saw last week...Better more hi-res pics to come...

Friday, December 24, 2004
Not a creature was stirring, not even a CHAINSAW!!!!!
In continuing celebration of Decemberween, here is a link to a website about barf bags.
Ho ho ho,
Thursday, December 23, 2004
www.supermodelswithseethroughtops.com is not the kind of site the URL would suggest it is. It is actually quite wholesome. And by "wholesome" I mean random. And by "random" I mean, whatever dude, click the link. You must be curious by now.
Ever since pIMpN8eZ posted the link to "Cog" yesterday, I've been stuck in the labrynth of eBaumsworld.com, viewing amusing/hysterical/disturbing videos for hours. What else I'm I going to do? Go outside and play? It's freakin' cold out there. I could catch hypothermia and pneumonia in a simultaneous manner. This made me laugh mucho: GI Joe PSA's. If you never watched a GI Joe cartoon with the little public service announcement ending each episode with the catchy catch-phrase "And Knowing Is Half The Battle," you may not think these cartoons are all that funny, and maybe you have other problems I don't want to know about.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
It's gone colder than a dead man's butt in Chicago. How cold is a dead man's butt? Walk around Chicago this week and you'll know.
December 21: It's the Winter Solstice! Hoorah. Excuse me while I go worship at my tiny replica of Stonehenge made of dominos.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
I bet you had no idea that our Commander In Chief had the moves.
Or Spiderman, for that matter. (What?)
The best part of any package is the bubble wrap.
Dude. I totally watched a whole marathon of Mythbusters on the Discover Channel last week. Time well spent. Want to get your Urban Legend freak on? Check out Snopes.com if you haven't already. You'll waste hours. Hours, I say!
I can't wait to post the first million digits of Pi. But we may all just have to make due with the first 10,000 digits.
I'll leave you with this parting thought from Tom Waits...
Never have I waltzed to "My Country 'Tis Of Thee," nor met anyone who did. Still, it's a waltz, for it's written in waltz time.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
So I agreed to keep some fresh blood pumping through this ol' blog while Brad disconects himself from the internet for a week. I imagine Brad disconnecting himself from the internet looks much like Keanu Reeves when he disconnected himself from The Matrix. (You can take the blue pill... or the red pill...). I'm not nearly as good as finding the bizarro links Brad finds.
And I thought the South Side of Chicago had some ghastly holiday decorations. South Side ain't got nothin on these folks, fo' shizzle.
Does anybody here speak Engrish?
I have wasted/enjoyed way too many hours of my life watching the Strong Bad e-mails and the Teen Girl Squad cartoons at Homestar Runner.
And, yes, my website. Snap.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Apple's secret plans to promote the iPod this season just got revealed.
This is just repulsive...
They need an organization like this except for ostrich attacks. Did I mention I was attacked by an ostrich?
Meet my new attorney, Dick Hickey ...Cool
I spent over an hour last night mesmorized by this so I think its worthy of being the only link.
Some people think they are so clever sending me link after link...If you want to be blogworthy, find stuff that has not old...oh yea its got to be amusing too.
Monday, December 13, 2004
How smart is you? -- Find out here, post your score...and not your score after taking in 5 times!
If that last flash movie didn't give you a seizure and you want to press you luck, try this one
Cartoon's skeletons, well done...
Someone actually bought the $10K martini!!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Friday, December 10, 2004
You've all seen this before...Lawyers you can recite it in you sleep but the real question is do the law enforcement officials on the show COPS know it?
If you in the mood for a seizure
Old time kite photography...Pretty cool
Wow...This type of stuff makes me think that I can actually play the guitar...Rock on Lincoln Park...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
A survey of Swedish retailers has shown that tight-fitting pants is the second-most common cause of broken cell phones
...8 year olds Dude
This one is only for the 31337 Hax0r
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Its hard work...you know...working weekends...I came in on sunday once...
I know the value of the dollar has been down, but is the Starbucks dollar on the rise?
No Comment
An artistic impression of the AIM smilies
Click if you've seen Napoleon Dynamite...I think I have to get this...
Good way to pawn off a paperweight
Monday, December 06, 2004
I like the way these guys think.
I thought it was the Black Eye Peas that say "Lets get retarded"
Welcome to Chicago, we dont have soda here...only pop
Friday, December 03, 2004
Thursday, December 02, 2004
What do you do with your old AOL CDs?
If I did get a tattoo it would be something like this...except maybe throw some java scripting in there...
Way to go blizzard...smashing all time records for sales.
Beer of the week - Labatt Blue - owned by Interbrew, is both the No. 3 domestic lager north of the 49th parallel and the No. 3 import beer to the south.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Have a Jamba Juice, buy one get one free.
None of you guys are going to believe me, but I actually saw this guy in Key Largo, I have the picture to prove it if it comes to that!
In case you want to piss off people in foreign countries...
These are pretty cool, but I wouldn't mind a set for pedestrians.