Hey...this is a private residence, man...

I surf the web too much so here are the highlights

Friday, April 30, 2004

To follow up on yesterday's post here are some phone pics from the Kampen course. The course was beautiful and it was a pleasure to play. Shot a 95 in the 25 MPH winds, not bad for the second hardest course in Indiana. Best drive of the day? 312 yards. Jeff thinks I'm full of shit, but I got plenty of witnesses :-)

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Golfed Ackerman yesterday, today I'm taking on Kampen. The winds today were strong enough to blow my hat clear off my head, knock my clubs over on several occasions, and literally bend the pins at 90 degree angles. Hopefully it will settle down a bit today. Who can guess my score?

And on a geeky note, if any of you guys have two computers, check this out! Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers, with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. I set it up with my desktop and my laptop and it works flawlessly :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

This shit is stright out of The 6th Day.
I like the testimonials...weirdos trying to justify burning $50,000 to get féfé #2...

"We had Smokey neutered at a young age. We wanted some of his offspring, so when we heard about cloning we thought it was just the perfect thing for us to do."

"We want to have a cat that has some of his characteristics. Not necessarily all of them, but something."

"My relationships with my dogs have lasted longer than my marriage and in some cases it was a better relationship."
Crazy real-life molecule names

Haha this guys got a sense of humor - "Anol is a synonym for 4-(1-propenyl)phenol, and it is apparently used in the flavour industry. Are compounds that bond strongly to this molecule called 'anolly retentive'?"

More to come...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

For all you students out there its getting to be crunch time, so I figure its a great opportunity to post some incredibly addictive games. Here are some of my fav's... have fun slacking off, you know you want to!

Helicopter - I dare you to beat my high score
HeliAttack - 2D Shooter guaranteed to make at least half an hour disappear
Spank the Monkey - Most of you have probably seen it...I'm just curious who can spank it the hardest ;)
This is flat out better than an acid trip
Fishy - If you have an 88% in that class you can forget about the A if you click on this link.
Defend Your Castle - An old favorite, and you can save to take a break to study.

And by request here are your hot chicks: Hot 1 Hot 2

Monday, April 26, 2004

Folks this is some wild wild shtuff. As you have probably already noticed, I'm in the process of giving the site a new face. I'm not finished yet, but after hours of hacking the HTML to eliminate the ad banner and Photoshopping the dude, its time to call it a night. Please post your reactions/opinions/suggestions.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Fun With Photoshop!!

People say my sister looks like me...Well lets use the scientific method...
Observe: Here is a photo of Bev and Brad
Hypothesis: If we look alike, then switching the faces should result in a similar if not identical image
Experiment: With the help of Photoshop, the faces were swapped.
Conclusion: Draw your own in the comments...All I got to say is DAMN I make one homely woman.

UPDATE: I was unimpressed with attempt #1 so here is Version 2. With chin implants, a wax, nose job, and skin bleaching, "Brev" looks slightly more like a human.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

In the spirit of Grand Prix I'm makin this post right now, fresh back from a long crazy night at the bars.

Today Arron rolled into town and with him came the maddness. Him and mike managed to sneak into our neighbors appartment and throw a road cone behind the front door causing it not to open. Well upon the return of our lovely (and drunk) neighbors, there was quite a struggle. The first attempt to gain entery to their appartment resulted in failure. After about 15 minutes of that struggle, they decided pushing and shoving was no match for the mighty road cone. They say a picure is worth a thousand words, but for this I think you just had to be there. :)

Friday, April 23, 2004

Just a couple odds and ends for today...

Hmmm....I think I like the banana more than this crazy mofo

Holy crap...My buddy David is actually Dr. Green from ER!

Sarcasm may actually come in handy once in a while, a response to a traffic ticket, and it worked!

MONKEY ahhhh!!!!!

Can YOU pass the third grade?

I kinda miss doing crazy shit in the dorms

Thursday, April 22, 2004

This is perhaps the coolest webpage any of you have ever seen. It is called The Rasterbator. Don't Let the name throw you off, this site is a gold mine. Take any picture you want, and BAM create your own custom poster that you can print out and amaze. Click links for a close up...

Flame away...Christina is hot

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

After getting some positive feedback regarding the Terror Alert Video, I think everyone should be kept up to date on if we are having an Ernie day or a more relaxed Bert day. Keep an eye on the upper right corner, above the archives.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Tax Refund
Check the status of your refund (When it was mailed out and when, at the latest, should arrive) If you are still waiting for it

It pisses me off when people look at their tax refunds as a gift. ITS NOT A GIFT you decided on your W2 form to lend the government some money (personally I choose not to) but every other shmo does, and then when the government gives you the money that should have been in your pocket all along, people look like 8-) and run out and spend it all. Same fuckin thing with rebates....Say you buy a computer for $1500 with a $500 rebate. You would have never shelled out 1500 w/o the rebate, but when the rebate comes 3 months later people get that \m/ ^_^ \m/ look on their face as the literally run out to the store cash in hands.
< /RANT>

On a totally different note, If your in the market for a car check out this great deal on a BMW 740 with less than 1,000 miles and a small dent
CHECK IT OUT!!! I have a Sister site, get it!? Sister site...C'mon is this thing on? Is this an audience or an oil painting. But seriously folks, do you know anyone that sucks at the internet? Ok check this out, the Head Academic Councelor of Computer Technology has a webpage if you want to call it that. How embarassing...scroll down to the bottom.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Prepare your Right Click --> Save as these are the coolest animated gif's I have ever seen. Vote for your favorite in the comments....I don't know if I can pick one!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Sorry 56Kers this ones not for you, but if you liked Spinal Tap, Best in Show, or A Mighty Wind then you will probably see the humor in this short film. (Video)
Here this will entertain you till I wake up tom....Pick a number any number What your favorite number? Mine is 353...Why you ask? Well but of course, it is the smallest number whose 4th power can be written as the sum of 4 4th powers. I promise there is better/less geeky posts to come today...

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Ok, this post is for all you people that dont believe me when I tell them how ridiculous the state of Indiana is. Now don't get me wrong, I love Purdue and there are plenty of normal people that come here....from other states. Well, last night we had dinner at Sgt. Preston's and the individuals that sat next to us were just screaming to have their picture taken with my camera phone. Enjoy:

Friday, April 16, 2004

Mind Eraser: Equal parts: Kahlua & Vodka, Splash of Soda

Well now I know...I apologize to all the people I harassed last night, In my defense everyone at Purdue knows how strong Harry's makes their drinks. o_0

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

You knew it was coming... By several requests, here are some shots of my new PC. Click on the pics to get a larger view. For all you fellow dorks out there here are the specs:

Gigabyte KT600 MotherBoard (8 USB 2.0, 3 FireWire, 3 184 400 Mhz DDR RAM, 2 SATA, Dual Bios)
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ "Barton", 333 FSB, 512K Cache
512 MB 400Mhz DDR RAM
80 Gig Serial ATA HD
52x32x52 CD-RW
GeForce 5200 FX Dual DVI out

The man is a sex offender. With a
record. Spent six months in Chino
for exposing himself to an eight-
year-old. When he moved down to
Venice he had to go door-to-door
to tell everyone he's a pederast.

What's a pederast, Walter?

Shut the fuck up, Donny.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

:O Is this even possible!? (Video)

After I received 80,730 different emails trying to sell viagra, I started to wonder: How many different ways are there to spell Viagra?

"Six hundred quintillion variations! I'd like to see Cialis try to beat that!"

Monday, April 12, 2004

Yes I'm a dork, I proudly wear the CPT tee shirt....

Sorry for the down time, had some priorities. I'm back with a vengeance now so expect daily updates :)

Saturday, April 03, 2004

And the rims keep spinnin' every time I....walk?

"Latrell Sprewell, known to be the originator of the rim called the spinners, has moved his invention to the footwear world. The rim actually spins as you walk and/or run"

Friday, April 02, 2004

All i can say right now is SNAKE SNAKE...oh its the snake

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Love you Grandpa, hang in there.