Hey...this is a private residence, man...

I surf the web too much so here are the highlights

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

For all you students out there its getting to be crunch time, so I figure its a great opportunity to post some incredibly addictive games. Here are some of my fav's... have fun slacking off, you know you want to!

Helicopter - I dare you to beat my high score
HeliAttack - 2D Shooter guaranteed to make at least half an hour disappear
Spank the Monkey - Most of you have probably seen it...I'm just curious who can spank it the hardest ;)
This is flat out better than an acid trip
Fishy - If you have an 88% in that class you can forget about the A if you click on this link.
Defend Your Castle - An old favorite, and you can save to take a break to study.

And by request here are your hot chicks: Hot 1 Hot 2