Saturday, July 31, 2004
Friday, July 30, 2004

Godamn I love expense accounts. Thanks to Roche diagnostics we had a fabulous night out on the town to celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of the Accu-Chek Content Management System. (I will post the new sites when they go live) Had drinks and appetizer at The Rockit Bar then went to Vivo on W. Randolph St. for a gourmet dinner. It was so good I had to make up a word to describe it: "Scrumtrulescent"
New addition to the blog, beer of the week! I'm still tweaking the JavaScript, but in future weeks, you will be able to scroll through all the beers using the navigation buttons.
This is quite funny if you got a fast connection. (Not recommended for work)
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Shameka, Keisha, Tara (331kb)
Random pop culture on your favorite:

Some people take their hobbys a little too far. Its still amusing though.
With something as fun as a cartoon Bush and Kerry hurling musical epithets at one another, you knew lawyers would have to get involved.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Found this on my phone from Friday. Either Shelly is rockin' it out or someone grabbed my phone and went camera happy.

Don't think I've missed a halfpice sox game AKA "Fight Night" yet this season. Had the ole bird's eye view from the upper deck. Were hurtin' without Frank and Magglio.
Don't know how to interpret your buddies on friendster? This detailed list should help you translate what people really mean by their photo.
Saved the best for last...
Yeah, but he's a fucking pervert, Dude.
The man is a sex offender. With a record.
Spent six months in Chino for exposing
himself to an eight-year-old.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Dood: you took a pic of a lady you gave up a seat for???
Dood: thats like...invasion of privacy man
I have finally found a monitor that is perfect for me. What do you guys think? Perhaps if my name was Kerry Edwards I would be able to afford it.
LQQK - Bev's Blog's got some spice!
Geek note - While you guys are surfing the internet looking for eye candy, take a minute to run windows update. You can even do it right now, just go to Tools --> Windows Update at the top of your screen. It will save me the trouble of removing worms from your PC and reduce the risk of this happening to you.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Blogee's beware! There some pretty scary pictures on there. I always think this is going to happen to me when I fly into La Guardia. This has got to be a safety hazard as well. Imagine the damgae these ladys could do!
Friday, July 23, 2004

"I want Americans and all the world to know innocent men women and children will not live. These are opening stages of the American military coalition force's will make every effort to wage war. We will bring weapons of mass murder in civilian areas. We do not have morality, we do not have control, we do not have respect for the safety of the American people. Our purpose is sure, your loved ones will not live."
You can make bush give this speach or write your own here. Did you know Bush and Kerry are related?
Thanks Andrew for keeping your eyes open, but I dont think this place will work out for me.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wish I was in Europe climbing the alps!
This is somewhat amusing if you have some time to kill. It was actually quite accurate.
Having dabbled in Remote Control Airplanes, I was amused by this site.
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Feel free to express your thoughts in the comments, and check back for updates as the saga unfolds.
Monday, July 19, 2004

Thanks Tracy for keeping my sanity
And if your bored at work (or home) just stare at this for a few hours
Sunday, July 18, 2004

"You are All Your Base. You are the embodiment most popular fad on the internet: a poor grasp of the English language. Somebody set up us the bad grammar. Learn every grammar! For great justice. "
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Viewsonic VP201b, 20" LCD Flatpanel (specs)

Also, as a token of appreciation for my most loyal visitor here is a picture of Brian Ginsberg at his 8th Grade Graduation. Thank you Brian for your countless visits to my little spot on the internet.