Car accident occurred right outside my building...Jonah and I (and like 20 other nosey tenants) had to go take a look. While we only heard a deafening screech followed by a thunderous boom, we got the scoop. Taxi Driver "Stupid" was flying down Sheridan at 45 MPH when he came to an intersection where there was a fellow making a left turn. Instead of stopping, stupid swerved around the car failing to notice Taxi "Wha Happen!?" who was parked on the curb with the trunk open. Stupid plows into Wha Happen' and all hell breaks loose.

I NEED to find a use for this pimp switch. Maybe I can trick out my PC with hydraulics or perhaps make the floppy drive into a flame thrower. Any suggestions? There has got to be use for that thing.
And the rims keep spinn' every time I ... stop peddling?
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