Hey...this is a private residence, man...

I surf the web too much so here are the highlights

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I apologize to my loyal fans (all 3 of you) for my crappy and lack of posting, I was busy having a life in a non virtual setting...Hopefully these happy links will satisfy your randomness craving for the day:

Can anyone out there make some sense out of this? If you do get the right answer is the FBI going to chase you down for your code breaking abilities?

Don't know how many of you will get this, but it is somewhat amusing anyhow

You know there are people in this world who don’t have to put up with all this shit? Like that guy that invented the pet rock. You see, that’s what you have to do. You have to use your mind and come up with some really great idea like that and you never have to work again.

These guys had WAY too much time on their hands, and I don't recomend sitting through it unless you do as well.

I can finally make a circle! Well...almost...


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